Thursday 22 August 2019

What is Typography? Significance of Typography for your Content

Typography is making your text appealing and readable for readers on computer screens. It is important for your content to be visible, attractive, easy, and readable. Typography is a science used by everyone these days. During ancient times typing or typography was a professional occupation. The only typist could do typography for your content. But now it is not the specialized task of typists. Now, everyone can type and do typography. Your typing should be clear and easy. It involves font style, font size, length, line-spacing, letter spacing, bold letters, and complexity of the text.

Moreover, keep in mind, your text should be easy to understand and read. Do not use complex vocabulary for your content. Make your content simple. So, it can be read by everybody. Use of fancy words in your typing can make your text complex. Therefore, make your content readable through proper font style and size.

In this article, I am writing to you some important strategies regarding typing, font style, and the importance of the text. Proper typing is significant for your content, whether it is a blog or a whole website. Do not make harder for your readers to read out the text from screens. Therefore, you need to adopt proper font size, style, vocab, and spacing for your text. Readout what should you do while typing your blog.

Font Size
The use of the right pixels for your text is significant. However, I will suggest you use 14 pixels (at least) for your font size. If you use 14 pixels for your font size, it will be easy for mobile users and desktops readers to understand the text. The font size is always important because if the text is small, the readers will shift to another blog. Moreover, these days the font size should be larger than 14 pixels. These days the suggested and normal font size is 16. Therefore, make sure your font size is 16 for your website content and blogs. Nowadays, 16 pixels are easily readable for desktop and mobile users.

Font color
Apart from font size, font color has an important role in your content. Mostly, we suggest a black font color with a white background that is perfect for your content. The black font color with a white background is easily readable. Moreover, you should use sharp outlines for your content. With the sharp outlines, it is easy to differentiate your letters in a blog.

Moreover, if you want to go with another color contrast, apart from the black and white. You need to be discreet regarding text and background contrast. Whatever contrast you choose; the text should be visible and readable. Moreover, Colorable is a tool that will check the color contrast of your text. You can use a colorable tool if you want to choose different colors for the text and its background. It will identify the suitable text color and background color for it. Furthermore, it has some other text and font tools that you can use to make your text appealing and readable.

When you are clear with your font size and color, Whitespace is essential for readability. If you do not use proper spacing between words, headings, and paragraphs, the font color and size is still useless. However, you need to use proper whitespace between your text and the next paragraph. Apart from the headings and paragraphs, there should be proper whitespace after every text line. Furthermore, if you do not use proper whitespace for your lines and words, your text will make no sense. However, without white space, your text becomes unreadable and intricate.

Backlinks in Typography
Adding backlinks in your content is always important for SEO. However, while adding links in your text, change the color of your link. Moreover, underline the link in the text. These changes will make the lick clear.

Important Note Regarding Focus Keyword’s Length

Usually, a long keyword is considered as a wonderful strategy for SEO. But, making your keyword too long is not a good idea at all. Focus on the other parts too. The Yoast SEO checks the quality of your keywords and keyphrase. The keyword and the key phrase should not be too long. As your content can suffer if you make your keyphrase too long. The Yoast SEO brings ease for you regarding the length of keyword and keyphrase. You need to adopt a Yoast SEO keyword and keyphrase strategy if you want your content on the top list.

Focus Keyword and Focus Keyphrase
The Yoast SEO plugin is used to optimize your content. If you are using Yoast plugin, most probably you can easily focus on the keywords and keyphrase. The Yoast SEO plugin is the most effective plugin to optimize your focus keyword and length of keyphrase. A focus keyword is usually one word. However, the Yoast SEO plugin suggests you write 3 to 4 keywords for your one post. Moreover, the Yoast SEO plugin will check your keyphrase length. This plugin will show you a green line if your keyphrase is not too long or short.

For example, you are writing articles on food recipes. For instance, you want to write an article on an avocado salad. You need to use these words in your keyphrase. The Yoast SEO plugin will approve your keyphrase with a green line if you use your keywords properly. In order to rank your website or blog, optimizing your keywords and keyphrase is an essential point. However, the Yoast SEO plugin will help you to choose the right length for your keyphrase.

Can you Get a High Rank in Google with the Long Keyphrase?
It is said that the use of long keyphrase is a good strategy for your post. If you use a long keyphrase for your blog, you can get high traffic on your post. Moreover, it is also said that when you use a long keyphrase, you can win the SEO competition. The quality of your content increases with the use of long keyphrase. However, through long keywords, you can get a high rank in Google and huge traffic on your content.

If the long keyphrase is the best way to get traffic then, why Yoast SEO is throwing a warning on the length of your keyphrase.

What Yoast SEO does for your Keyphrase?
The Yoast SEO plugin suggests you the best strategies of Google to rank your post and pages. I must say, the Yoast SEO imitates the strategies of Google to rank your keyphrase.

What does Google do?
Google is the search engine who gives you the best results of your query. However, you do not write a proper or complete query, but Google is capable of recognizing the whole thought. For example, if you write in the Google, Guide for SEO. Google will show you multiple results like:
  • A whole guide on SEO.
  • The best way to adopt SEO strategy.
  • New strategies for SEO.
  • etc. etc.
Google will show you different results for your one question. You can opt-out according to your search. In the Google search engine, you do not write the whole query. Google is capable of recognizing your thought and original query.

The Strategy of Yoast SEO Plugin
Therefore, the Yoast SEO plugin does the same thing. The Yoast SEO will check the keywords for your content. Moreover, it allows you to write your keyphrase, which is in the search of Google. It chops the useless words and extra length from your keyphrase. However, it assesses the length and effective words for your keyword and keyphrase. The Yoast SEO plugin will assess your keyphrase and suggest you cut down your length. It will give you feedback with the words, it is too short, it is too long.